Cord Blood Banking

How to Access Stem Cells for Treatment

how to access stem cellsBy now, you’ve probably heard about how stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood are being used to treat more than 80 diseases and illnesses. You may also know that clinical trials are currently underway to determine if these stem cells can be used to treat syndromes like autism or diabetes in the future.

You may even be aware that stem cells are stored in both private and public cord blood banks. What you may never have learned, however, is how a person would go about accessing stem cells from stored umbilical cord blood if there is a need, for themselves or a family member. Read More »How to Access Stem Cells for Treatment

Preventing Birth Defects: Steps to Take Before & During Pregnancy

If you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant in the near future, there are important steps you can take to reduce the risk of your child being born with serious birth defects. Before Pregnancy: Adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle. What better motivation is there to get healthy than to improve your future child’s health? Eat a well-balanced… Read More »Preventing Birth Defects: Steps to Take Before & During Pregnancy

Our Year in Review – 2015

top cord blood banksIt has been a great year for us here at New England Cord Blood Bank! As we reflect back on 2015, it is impossible not to feel incredible gratitude. Those who have worked with us for many years have noticed some big changes. If you’re just getting to know us, we’re excited to fill you in on all the news!

As we enter the 2016, we will continue to provide excellent services and opportunities for current and expectant parents. Here are a few highlights from 2015:Read More »Our Year in Review – 2015

The Difference Between Family Cord Blood Banks and Corporate Banks

If you have visited your OB/GYN doctor in recent years, you may have seen brochures or other literature advertising umbilical cord blood banks. If you’re pregnant, you are probably getting bombarded by these marketing materials. Cord blood banks advertise in email newsletters, maternity stores, and pregnancy magazines. Even worse, most of the marketing looks nearly identical from one company to… Read More »The Difference Between Family Cord Blood Banks and Corporate Banks

Should I bank cord blood?

At every doctor’s appointment, there seems to be a new, big decision to be made. When those appointments start coming every two weeks instead of every month, you may feel like you’re constantly facing potentially life-altering choices. Should I undergo early stage pregnancy screenings? What is my ideal birth plan? Will I breastfeed or bottle feed? Who will I choose… Read More »Should I bank cord blood?

6 Questions to Ask When Choosing Your Cord Blood Bank

If you’re choosing between cord blood banks, there are some important questions you’ll want to be sure you have answered prior to making your final decision. 1) Where do you store the cord blood? Be sure that your cord blood bank has state-of-the-art facilities and provides maximum security and protection. Storage containers should be able to maintain their internal temperatures… Read More »6 Questions to Ask When Choosing Your Cord Blood Bank

What to Know about Cord Blood Banking if you are Having Twins

Expecting twins? Congratulations! You may be pregnant with fraternal twins or identical twins. Identical twins, also called monozygotic twins, occur from a single fertilized egg that splits to develop into two fetuses. These twins are the same sex and share all of the same physical traits. Fraternal twins, or dizygotic twins, each come from a separate egg and two different… Read More »What to Know about Cord Blood Banking if you are Having Twins

Cord Blood Transplants 101

You might already know some basics about cord blood and stem cell transplants. Cord blood is one source of cells that can form new, healthy blood cells. Cord blood cells are collected from the umbilical cord after a baby is born to be stored for use when it’s needed to treat any one of dozens of diseases and conditions. Did… Read More »Cord Blood Transplants 101

The Luck of Irish Baby Names

“Wee Little One… May you always walk in sunshine, may you never want for more, may Irish angels post their wings beside your nursery door.” – Irish Bedtime Blessing In honor of Irish Heritage Month and the St. Patrick’s Day holiday, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most popular Irish names, for any of those families who would… Read More »The Luck of Irish Baby Names