
How to Access Stem Cells for Treatment

how to access stem cellsBy now, you’ve probably heard about how stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood are being used to treat more than 80 diseases and illnesses. You may also know that clinical trials are currently underway to determine if these stem cells can be used to treat syndromes like autism or diabetes in the future.

You may even be aware that stem cells are stored in both private and public cord blood banks. What you may never have learned, however, is how a person would go about accessing stem cells from stored umbilical cord blood if there is a need, for themselves or a family member. Read More »How to Access Stem Cells for Treatment

Five Alternative Baby Registry Ideas for Modern Parents-to-Be

alternative baby registriesYou’ve probably been to more baby showers than you can count at this point. They’re all pretty much the same, aren’t they? At your own traditional baby shower, you can look forward piles and piles of onesies, mostly in newborn to six-month sizes, which may not make it past the first few months. You may also get a few must-have items, more blankets and stuffed animals than you’ll ever use, and a few ‘unique’ gifts from well-meaning aunts.

Two months in, when you’re staring in disbelief at the receipt from your recent trip to buy diapers and wipes, you might be shaking your head. Why didn’t you just ask for gift cards to stock up on a year’s worth of essentials?

Before you head to the store with your Pinterest boards and that barcode-scanner, check out some different ideas below from parents who have been in your shoes and lived to tell about it. Read More »Five Alternative Baby Registry Ideas for Modern Parents-to-Be

Preventing Birth Defects: Steps to Take Before & During Pregnancy

If you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant in the near future, there are important steps you can take to reduce the risk of your child being born with serious birth defects. Before Pregnancy: Adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle. What better motivation is there to get healthy than to improve your future child’s health? Eat a well-balanced… Read More »Preventing Birth Defects: Steps to Take Before & During Pregnancy

Our Year in Review – 2015

top cord blood banksIt has been a great year for us here at New England Cord Blood Bank! As we reflect back on 2015, it is impossible not to feel incredible gratitude. Those who have worked with us for many years have noticed some big changes. If you’re just getting to know us, we’re excited to fill you in on all the news!

As we enter the 2016, we will continue to provide excellent services and opportunities for current and expectant parents. Here are a few highlights from 2015:Read More »Our Year in Review – 2015

Healthy Winter Pregnancy Guide

If you’re pregnant right now, the season has been kind with mild temperatures and less white stuff on the ground. Still, it’s not likely to last. Rest assured, winter is coming! Cold and flu season is also coming, as are shorter days, more time spent indoors, and an abundance of opportunities to overeat during the holidays. It’s a tough time… Read More »Healthy Winter Pregnancy Guide

Update from Stem Cell Awareness Day

On October 14, 2015, the global scientific community recognized Stem Cell Awareness Day. A primary goal of the day was to foster greater understanding about stem cell research and the incredible strides that have helped millions of people around the world. Encouraging Discussions In addition to stimulating family discussions about umbilical cord blood stem cells, we hope this day each… Read More »Update from Stem Cell Awareness Day

5 Common Questions About the Common Cold During Pregnancy

Pregnant or not, nobody enjoys getting a cold. Coughing, sneezing, and that general “blah” feeling can make just about anyone eager to feel better. Still, being sick while pregnant may add additional concern for some expectant mothers.  Here are some common questions along with the answers to put your mind at ease: Is there a way to prevent catching the… Read More »5 Common Questions About the Common Cold During Pregnancy

10 Things You Don’t Need on Your Baby Registry

For anyone expecting their first child, the process of completing a baby registry can definitely be a bit overwhelming. In addition to your own confusion, you’ll likely receive plenty of unsolicited advice from family and friends. From cribs to car seats and swings to strollers, there are so many options! How do you know what’s important or necessary for your… Read More »10 Things You Don’t Need on Your Baby Registry

Using Cord Blood to Treat Babies with Hurler Syndrome

Using Cord Blood to Treat Babies with Hurler Syndrome Do you have a family history of Hurler Syndrome? Are you currently pregnant or planning to start a family?  There is positive news for treatment of this rare, inherited and life-threatening disease. About Hurler Syndrome Hurler syndrome is also known as mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I). According to the National MPS… Read More »Using Cord Blood to Treat Babies with Hurler Syndrome