
The Future of Umbilical Stem Cell Treatments

If you are an expectant parent, it is helpful to know that more than 80 diseases are currently being treated with umbilical cord blood stem cells. Although the first successful stem cell transplant from bone marrow was done almost 60 years ago, the first cord blood transplant wasn’t done until 1988. Matthew Farrow, then a five-year-old boy with Fanconi anemia… Read More »The Future of Umbilical Stem Cell Treatments

6 Questions to Ask When Choosing Your Cord Blood Bank

If you’re choosing between cord blood banks, there are some important questions you’ll want to be sure you have answered prior to making your final decision. 1) Where do you store the cord blood? Be sure that your cord blood bank has state-of-the-art facilities and provides maximum security and protection. Storage containers should be able to maintain their internal temperatures… Read More »6 Questions to Ask When Choosing Your Cord Blood Bank

What to Know about Cord Blood Banking if you are Having Twins

Expecting twins? Congratulations! You may be pregnant with fraternal twins or identical twins. Identical twins, also called monozygotic twins, occur from a single fertilized egg that splits to develop into two fetuses. These twins are the same sex and share all of the same physical traits. Fraternal twins, or dizygotic twins, each come from a separate egg and two different… Read More »What to Know about Cord Blood Banking if you are Having Twins

Treatment of Hodgkin Lymphoma with Umbilical Stem Cells

Stem cells from umbilical cord blood are currently being used in the treatment of more than 80 diseases, and testing is currently underway for the future treatment of many other diseases. New England Cord Blood Bank has been successfully processing and storing umbilical cord blood stem cells since 1995. One of the diseases currently being treated with umbilical cord blood… Read More »Treatment of Hodgkin Lymphoma with Umbilical Stem Cells

Sickle Cell Disease Treated by Cord Blood Stem Cells

How It Got Its Name The name “Sickle Cell Disease” (SCD), also known as Sickle Cell Anemia, is derived from the C-shaped formation of red blood cells in those who have the disease. This crescent shape of red blood cells resembles a harvesting tool called the sickle. According to the National Institute of Health, “Sickle cells are stiff and sticky.… Read More »Sickle Cell Disease Treated by Cord Blood Stem Cells

3 Reasons to Bank Cord Tissue

Like cord blood banking, umbilical cord tissue can be collected at the time of birth in a way that is completely safe for mother and child. Cord tissue is a rich source of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs). These MSCs differ from those obtained from cord blood, but they are just as valuable. High Reward of Banking Privately Banking your baby’s… Read More »3 Reasons to Bank Cord Tissue