What Can You Do During Pregnancy to Protect Your Child’s Health Later in Life?
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Whether you’ve been trying to conceive for a long time or were surprised by the news, pregnancy can be an emotional roller coaster ride. You may be feeling a sense of wonder, hope, and joy for the future. At the same time, there is typically some anxiety about how your life will change, and how you will manage the responsibility that comes with raising another human being.
During pregnancy there are immediate needs that are keeping you busy such as planning the new baby’s room, picking out names, and choosing gifts for your baby registry. Hopefully, you are also putting long-term protections in place such as purchasing life insurance, setting up a college fund, and researching cord blood banking.
In the midst of the rest of the pregnancy ‘to do’ list, it is also critical that you don’t forget to take care of yourself. Remember that your health during your pregnancy will impact your child’s life, now and in the years to come. There is no time like the present to focus on your health!Read More »Giving Your Child a Healthy Start