
Umbilical Stem Cells: Pros & Cons of Treatment

Doctors and researchers are always studying and learning more about how to treat various diseases. Stem cell transplants are one of the most promising treatments for certain conditions and illnesses. There are three types of stem cells – those from bone marrow, blood and an umbilical cord. The goal for all three kinds of transplants is to give patients stem… Read More »Umbilical Stem Cells: Pros & Cons of Treatment

Planning for the Future and Cord Blood Banking Go Hand-in-Hand

Parents worry a lot about their child’s future. Understandably, they want their kids to be healthy, happy and cared for.  When couples are expecting their first baby, they often take time to prepare for scenarios which they hope they never have to face, but they know they should have a plan for, just in case. Parents draw up their wills… Read More »Planning for the Future and Cord Blood Banking Go Hand-in-Hand

What You Need To Know About Cord Blood If You Have a Family History of Disease

In the first twenty years of umbilical cord blood stem cell transplants, doctors and researchers have already discovered more than 80 diseases that can be treated with  these stem cells. Even if a disease in your family isn’t currently on the list of those treatable diseases, research is ongoing and new treatments are found all the time. Treatment of genetic… Read More »What You Need To Know About Cord Blood If You Have a Family History of Disease

The Decision to Bank Cord Blood

Among the many topics about your pregnancy and the conversations you’ll have with your doctor or midwife, one might be about the decision to bank your baby’s umbilical cord blood. The best time to talk about cord blood banking is during your second trimester. That’s sometime between your 13th and 26th week. Whether or not you choose to bank cord blood, you’ll want to do some research.

Deciding to bank cord bloodRead More »The Decision to Bank Cord Blood

Pregnancy and Breast Cancer Risk

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is the annual campaign to encourage support for research of the disease, as well as early detection. A lot of progress has been made in understanding breast cancer risk factors. Do you know yours? Studies have shown that a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer is related to her exposure to hormones — estrogen and progesterone… Read More »Pregnancy and Breast Cancer Risk

Mixed Race Considerations: The Benefits of Private Cord Blood Banking

The developments that continue to be made in stem cell research are exciting. Patients with cancer, blood disorders, and immune deficiencies have received the benefits of cord blood stem cells. As stem cell therapies continue to evolve, more conditions will be added to the list of successful treatments. Patients requiring a stem cell transplant can receive stem cells from bone… Read More »Mixed Race Considerations: The Benefits of Private Cord Blood Banking

#StemCellDay: Shining the Light on Breakthroughs in Stem Cell Research

Every year, on a day in October, organizations and individuals around the world come together to ensure that we realize the benefits of one of the most promising fields of science in our time.  Stem Cell Awareness Day #StemCellDay – this year on October 8 – is a unique global opportunity to foster greater understanding about stem cell research and the… Read More »#StemCellDay: Shining the Light on Breakthroughs in Stem Cell Research

Cord Blood Transplants Save Lives – But, How? 

Did you know that transplanted stem cells from umbilical cord blood are used in the treatment of more than 80 diseases? As research and testing continue to gain traction, it is anticipated that these stem cells could be used in the future to treat hundreds of diseases and injuries we cannot even begin to imagine at this early stage. If… Read More »Cord Blood Transplants Save Lives – But, How? 

Foodborne Bacteria and Parasites

3 Common Foodborne Bacteria and Parasites to be Aware of during Pregnancy 

Pregnant women already know they need to eliminate food and beverages like coffee, some seafood, and alcohol from their diets. But did you know that there are other foods which can potentially be harmful to your unborn child? It is important to eat a well-balanced diet while avoiding foods that may contain bacteria and parasites. Here are the three most… Read More »3 Common Foodborne Bacteria and Parasites to be Aware of during Pregnancy 

Cord Blood Laboratory Services

The Differences between Bone Marrow and Cord Blood Transplants 

Cord blood transplants and bone marrow transplants work to replace bad or damaged cells in the body (due to illness or injury) with new healthy cells. These healthy cells typically would be transplanted from the bone marrow of a donor or from cells collected from the person’s (or their family member’s) umbilical cord at birth. The US Department of Health… Read More »The Differences between Bone Marrow and Cord Blood Transplants