
krabbe disease

Treatment of Krabbe Disease with Umbilical Cord Stem Cells

Recently, some states have officially approved the second week of September as “Krabbe Disease Awareness Week.” In Ohio, the designation was approved effective October 15, 2015 in honor of Madison Layton who passed away after battling the disease from birth to her second birthday. What is Krabbe Disease? Krabbe (pronounced KRAH-buh) disease is an inherited disorder, also known as globoid… Read More »Treatment of Krabbe Disease with Umbilical Cord Stem Cells

Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month

November is Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

November is Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. Among americans, Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth-leading cause of death. Today, one in three adults over the age of 65 will die from Alzheimer’s Disease or another form of dementia. Currently, more than 5 million Americans have the disease. Without significant medical breakthroughs, the disease could affect as many as 16 million people by… Read More »November is Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

expanded umbilical cord blood

Expanded Umbilical Cord Blood Could Support Bone Marrow Transplants

Expanded Umbilical Cord Blood Could Support Bone Marrow Transplants Researchers at the Duke Cancer Institute recently reported results from a clinical trial of ex vivo expanded umbilical cord blood (UCB). The researchers tested expanded UCB use on high-risk patients with a history of blood cancers. Study patients did not have access to a matched, related or unrelated adult bone marrow… Read More »Expanded Umbilical Cord Blood Could Support Bone Marrow Transplants

Sarah’s Story—Treating Autism with Stem Cells

Sarah’s Story—Treating Autism with Stem Cells

Duke University Clinical Trial In 2010, Anna and her husband decided to bank their son Ryan’s, cord blood with New England Cord Blood Bank, Inc. (NECBB). Two years later, when their daughter Sarah was born, they opted to save her cord blood as well. Later, when Sarah was diagnosed with Autism, Anna thought about the possibility of using cord blood… Read More »Sarah’s Story—Treating Autism with Stem Cells

Blood Types in Cord Blood Banking

Blood Expansion Technique Could Help Improve Transplant Success

New research puts a spotlight on the prospect of blood cancer patient treatment using the NiCord® cord blood expansion technique. The procedure involves culturing and growing cells from a single unit of cord blood in the laboratory in order to generate more beneficial stem cells. If the current clinical trial proves successful, it may lead to further exploration of the… Read More »Blood Expansion Technique Could Help Improve Transplant Success

Search Stem Cell Clinical Trials

If you are actively searching for Stem Cell Clinical Trials that are currently accepting patients, we now have a searchable database available! Thanks to the Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation, anyone can easily navigate the complex world of open clinical stem cell trials. See how cord blood is saving lives in the areas of:   Use the drop-down list… Read More »Search Stem Cell Clinical Trials

Cord Blood Transplants Reduce Complications

Cord Blood Transplants Reduce Complications

A new study offers significant evidence that umbilical cord blood transplants reduce complications after transplant, the need for immunosuppression and the incidence of infections and hospitalizations in leukemia patients. A University of Colorado Cancer Center study released in July 2016 compared outcomes of leukemia patients who had received bone marrow transplants from matched, unrelated donors to those who had received… Read More »Cord Blood Transplants Reduce Complications

Using Cord Blood to Treat Babies with Hurler Syndrome

Using Cord Blood to Treat Babies with Hurler Syndrome Do you have a family history of Hurler Syndrome? Are you currently pregnant or planning to start a family?  There is positive news for treatment of this rare, inherited and life-threatening disease. About Hurler Syndrome Hurler syndrome is also known as mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I). According to the National MPS… Read More »Using Cord Blood to Treat Babies with Hurler Syndrome

Umbilical Cord Stem Cells to Treat ALS?

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) was brought to global attention over the past year by the widely-shared “Ice Bucket Challenge.” What is ALS? Also commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, ALS is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. It is a fatal diagnosis, and 90% of cases are people with “sporadic ALS,” meaning… Read More »Umbilical Cord Stem Cells to Treat ALS?

Clinical Trial: Cord Blood to Treat Diabetes

Cord blood stem cells have been used for more than twenty years as a powerful medical resource in fighting devastating chronic and acute diseases. Ongoing clinical trials provide hope that these stem cells will one day change the lives of many more people. Diabetes research is one such area of particular interest. About Diabetes According to the Diabetes Research Institute,… Read More »Clinical Trial: Cord Blood to Treat Diabetes