Understanding how much cord blood banking costs will undoubtedly be a key factor in whether or not you choose to preserve your child’s stem cells. We strive to keep these costs in an affordable range, as we know just how many other important financial decisions parents must make at this time.
The Costs You Can Expect
Before you make the choice to bank cord blood for your family, you should know how much the cord blood banking process costs. Here are the costs you can expect when cord blood banking in the United States:
- $150 for the cord blood collection kit to be used by your doctor
- Between $1,000 and $2,500 for testing, processing, and preserving the cord blood
- An annual storage fee of $125 to $185
Pricing for storage can fluctuate slightly with the cost of nitrogen or testing; however, at New England Cord Blood Bank, we do what we can to keep this important process as affordable as possible for new parents. With the initial costs and first annual storage fee, parents can expect to pay under $2,000 for the initial process with us.
Where the Money Goes
Cord blood banking may seem like an uncommon process, but once you break it down, the costs begin to make more sense. You must purchase the initial kit to allow your delivery specialists to collect the umbilical cord blood once you give birth. A portion of your payment goes toward valuable testing of the cord blood for disease. Most of your payment goes toward the laboratory process of separating out stem cells, using cryoprotectant to safely freeze the cells, and quality testing. For cord blood banks, another part of operating a secure and trustworthy establishment is attaining proper licensing. New England Cord Blood Bank is proudly registered with the FDA and accredited by AABB; we run our laboratories and banks as safely as possible.
Why the Cost Is Worth It
If you or a family member are already aware of a history of leukemia, sickle cell disease, or other diseases that can be treated in part with stem cells, the cost of cord blood banking becomes more reasonable. Even if the child whose cord blood you bank doesn’t get one of these illnesses, their siblings have a higher chance of matching with family members than strangers.
While the initial price may seem steep, paying for cord blood and tissue storage now can provide a vital medical tool to you and your family in the future. Our team at New England Cord Blood Bank is happy to work with you and your doctors to help you make the right choice for your child.